Dnevni arhiv: 10. 4. 2017

Guests of the President of Slovenia

On Tuesday, 4th April 2017, our school responded to the invitation from the Office of the President of the Republic, who invited us to his premises in order to commend our work put into the making of a CD at France Preseren’s culture day.

At the reception, which was held at the great hall of the Presidential Palace, the president of the country, Borut Pahor, welcomed us. The students prepared and carried out a short cultural program, created under the supervision of Ajda Skrbinšek, Dijana Brinac and Mateja Medvešek Rjavec.

The official part was followed by a relaxed conversation with the President and us enjoying in some ice cream. Together we then took a walk through the Palace seeing the Crystal and the Golden Hall and gifts from all around the world, received by the President. We also saw the flag with the signatures of famous Slovenian athletes.

We finished the day with a walk along the city’s streets enjoying the warm spring weather.

The Prize Trip to Planica Where Our Elementary School Was Declared the Winner of Planica and children Art Competition

 On Thursday, 23rd March 2017, very early in the morning our students and teachers went on a prize trip to Planica to see the ski jumps. The trip was a prize for students of the 7th grade, which have participated in an art competition Planica and children. They made a cheerleading poster, which has, from more than seventy schools, ranked among the fifteen schools with the best product.

In Planica, together with several thousand other children, we climbed on the tribune, supported, and loudly cheered for our ski jumpers raising our poster proudly into the sky.

During the day, the organizers of the event in Planica, announced that the jury was so impressed with our poster, that we deserve a chance to win the grand prize! In the company of the president Borut Pahor, Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Maje Makovec Brenčič, singer Zlatko and the band backstage, we were eagerly awaiting the announcement of the winner. We then proudly stepped onto the stage and with smiles on our faces took the top prize. Which is a trip by train for thirty people, of a destination of our choice. Well done students and mentor, Andreja S.!

A trip to Planica will definitely stay in our memory for a long time. We’re also looking forward to the next year’s event.