Book Night at the MŠN Elementary School

On Tuesday, 25th April 2017, the school hosted a marathon of events associated with the book, stories and reading.

8th and 9th grade students visited Karlovac, a town in Croatia, where we, with our partner school COODM Karlovac, and the project Branje ne pozna meja/Čitanje ne poznaje granice, brought this international reading project to its end. Throughout the school year the students got to know the works of Slovenian and Croatian authors. We were warmly welcomed and was ask to participated in interactive workshops on Slovenian picture books. Instructive and interesting was the visit of the City Library in Karlovac. We finished the day with a walk along the river Korana and Aquatiki aquarium.

Afternoon activities at school for other students started early in the afternoon. First the students prepared rooms in which they will be sleeping, and then they visited the General Library of Črnomelj and participated in the dinner preparation. In the reading and creative part of the day, we read and talked about Martin Krpan story with visitors, who also took part in three different workshops (creative art, multi-sensory listening and reading room). In the evening students acted out a short story and listened to an interview with a singer of folk music Urško Klobučar, hosted by Ajda Skrbinšek.

On this occasion, 13 students spent the night at the school. Hopefully they dreamt about the wonderful events of the day, after they read a page or two from their favorite book.