The Video S-Factor 2017 Finals in Semič

Students and teachers of Milka Šobar – Nataše Elementary School have celebrated this day. More than 600 participants from all over Slovenia and abroad, have gathered in the Cultural Centre in Semič.

Within the festival “Play with me”, students with disabilities, students of regular primary schools and kindergartens, seniors and volunteers of all generations, socialized in creative and sports workshops. The hall, in which  short videos on the topic of “water” played, offered an escape from the hot sunshine and crowd. The videos were created by students and teachers of primary schools with special curriculum from Slovenia and abroad in the international project Milka Šobar-Nataše Video S- Factor 2017.  This year as much as 13 Slovenian and 6 foreign schools participated with their work.

At the final ceremony, the finalists were announced and awarded with prizes. The winner in the Slovenian category is for the second consecutive year Tretja OŠ Slovenj Gradec with the video “Be different.” The winner in the international category is “Voštarnica” from Zadar and their video “Colors of water”. Among the best videos our “Mill”, shared third place with the Dragotin Kette video “The drop on its way”.

For the organization and execution of the Festival Play with me, and the final event Video S-Factor in 2017 were wish to thank: Association of Pensioners Semič, Marija Kuzma, Archery Club Paradox Črnomelj, Multigenerational Center Marela – House of Fruits Metlika, Cultural Society of Inclusion, Voluntary Fire Brigade Črnomelj, KBS, RIC Črnomelj, Semič TIC, KC Semič, Semič Elementary School, MC BIT Črnomelj and other volunteers from Bela krajina and abroad.

The event was financially and material supported by: Tina & Co. Ltd., the Company for Sport, Tourism and Recreation, GVO, Construction and Maintenance of Telecommunication Networks, Pharmacy Vrščaj, Krka d.d., the Municipality of Semič, KZ Metlika, Electrical Installation Vranič, Cleaning Service Marija Severinski, OMV Črnomelj and Bar Odeon, Figura – Ms Production, Trade and Services, Insurance Representation Težak Marko, Installation and Other Services Peter Videtič, Expres Service Vardič Stipo, Graphic Services Robert Glazer, A-SPRINT d.o.o.

Our sincere thanks and congratulations to all the participants as you have once more demonstrated to have the real S-Factor!

Vlasta Lah, Nina Aupič