Nature School in Camp Menina (11.-14th September)

We arrived in Camp Menina and settled in our bungalows. After lunch, we took a tour of the camp. At the adrenaline park, we tested our skills and strength on a large polygon under the trees. Some of our most courageous pupils even jumped into the lake. In the evening, we had a pancake party so tired and with full bellies, we went to bed late.

The next day, we were of full expectations, as we knew that an exciting river raft ride on the Savinja River was awaiting us. The instructor taught us how we are supposed to sit in the boat and handle the oars. ‘It was crazy’, said the students. In the afternoon, we visited the museum and the Brinec farm mill.

On the last day in Camp Menina we organized a Miniature Golf Tournament. The best player of the tournament was Simon. The afternoon continued actively, as we played football and volleyball. The day ended with a campfire and marshmallows.

It was fun! Thank you Camp Menina.