International Badminton Championship “Tuzla Open 2018”

Nejc Moravec and Ema Brodarič, both pupils from our school, attended the badminton championship in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where more than 50 competitors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Croatia competed.

Ema Brodarič won 5th place, while Nejc Moravec won 9th.

The competition was not only of a competitive nature, its main focus was socializing and making new friends. We also made some new contacts with schools from Šibenik, Skopje and Mostar. During our stay, we made time and visited some tourist attractions in Tuzla.

We thank the Institute for Education ‘Zavod za odgoj i obrazovanje osoba sa smetnjama u psihičkom i tjelesnom razvoju Tuzla’ for inviting us to the tournament and on excellent organization.

At the same time, we would like to thank the Shobar family from San Francisco, Marija Severinski and Comark d.o.o who made it possible for us to participate in the competition.