Dnevni arhiv: 12. 11. 2018

National and International Badminton Championship

On Thursday, November 8th, 2018, our school organized the National Badminton Championship for students of elementary schools with special needs, for the ninth consecutive year. The competition was held in the sports hall of the Secondary School Črnomelj and was attended by 24 competitors from eight Slovenian elementary schools. The opening ceremony began with the Slovenian anthem, which was performed by Viviana Kukar. The program also included the performance of the school singing choir and the outstanding and award-winning hip-hop group Destiny’s Child. The head teacher of Milka Šobar- Nataše Elementary School Matjaž Barič addressed the audience and officially opened the competition.


Top three (National):

  1. Aleks Zornada (CUEV Strunjan)
  2. Edonis Kabashi (Center Janeza Levca, Ljubljana)
  3. Denis Belič (CUEV Strunjan)

Nejc Moravec and Gordan Rozman, who ranged between 9th and 12th place, competed for our school.

Medals, trophies and practical prizes were awarded to the best by a journalist and the first Slovenian woman who won the North Pole, Natasa Briški.

In parallel with the national competition, the third international competition was held for the fourth year in a row, to which friendly schools from abroad were invited. The competition was attended by schools from Tuzla (BiH), Kraljevo (Serbia), Belgrade (Serbia) and Karlovac (Croatia).




  1. Smajl Butković (Tuzla, BiH )
    2. Denis Maršič (Črnomelj, Slovenia)
    3. Strahinja Milovanović (Belgrade, Serbia)



  1. Ana Maslić (Tuzla,BiH)
    Nihada Buljubašić (Tuzla, BiH)
    3. Maja Hudorovac (Črnomelj, Slovenia)
    3. Daria Opšić (Belgrade, Serbia)

The competition was organized with the help of many sponsors and donations:

Sappe d.o.o, Jadran Čičigoj s.p., Zavarovalnica Sava d.d., Ikebana Brinc, nepremičnine in investicije d.o.o. KZ Metlika z.o.o., O.R. Inženiring d.o.o., Zavarovalno zastopništvo Marko Težak s.p., Vzajemna zdravstvena zavarovalnica d.v.z., Montaža in ostale storitve Peter Videtič s.p., Lekarna Vrščaj, Elektroinštalacije Sašo Saša Čubrilović s.p., Gozdarstvo Švegelj s.p., NIX d.o.o., Transport Bela Igor Primc s.p., Zaključna dela v gradbeništvu Mehmed Tusunović s.p., Kegljaški klub BK.