Dnevni arhiv: 18. 3. 2019


On Friday, March 8th, 2019, at the event ‘Razvajaj se v mestu’, which took place in Črnomelj’s market, clowness Anča Pomaranča also put up her stand. With her heartfelt and good will, she collected charitable donations for the counseling center, intended for all the children of Bela Krajina.
Visitors have shown that they care about the future of children as the donations reached an amazing 665.16 euros. The vice-mayor, Mr. Dubravko Čengija, handed over the donation to the principal, Matjaž Barič. The money will be entirely intended for the purchase of different material and for the activities of the Advisory Center, which operates in Črnomelj, Metlika and Semič. Thank you all for your contribution.
The afternoon passed quickly and in a pleasant atmosphere. We thank everyone who contributed and participated in the organization. The greatest thanks goes to the clowness,  Anica Matkovič, who with her positive attitude, goodness and selflessness managed to collect an amount that surprised us all pleasantly.