International Badminton Championship “Tuzla Open 2018”

Nejc Moravec and Ema Brodarič, both pupils from our school, attended the badminton championship in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where more than 50 competitors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Croatia competed.

Ema Brodarič won 5th place, while Nejc Moravec won 9th.

The competition was not only of a competitive nature, its main focus was socializing and making new friends. We also made some new contacts with schools from Šibenik, Skopje and Mostar. During our stay, we made time and visited some tourist attractions in Tuzla.

We thank the Institute for Education ‘Zavod za odgoj i obrazovanje osoba sa smetnjama u psihičkom i tjelesnom razvoju Tuzla’ for inviting us to the tournament and on excellent organization.

At the same time, we would like to thank the Shobar family from San Francisco, Marija Severinski and Comark d.o.o who made it possible for us to participate in the competition.

Play for Kids ‘Cepetavček’

It was just an ordinary piece of wood until a girl, Polonca, found it. However, she was not alone. In the car park in front of the castle, children from different schools in the Bela krajina region, joined her. On Friday, 21 September 2018, within the European Mobility Week, the Municipality of Črnomelj organized a series of activities, including the play ‘Cepetavček’, which was performed by the Ku-Kuc Theater. Still, that was not all. The mayor of Črnomelj, Mojca Čemas Stjepanovič, awarded all participating elementary schools at the European Mobility Week, with a small present. Our school, Milka Šobar – Nataša also received one. We are thankful to the Municipality of Črnomelj and the mayor for the gift and a wonderfully organized day.

Nature School in Camp Menina (11.-14th September)

We arrived in Camp Menina and settled in our bungalows. After lunch, we took a tour of the camp. At the adrenaline park, we tested our skills and strength on a large polygon under the trees. Some of our most courageous pupils even jumped into the lake. In the evening, we had a pancake party so tired and with full bellies, we went to bed late.

The next day, we were of full expectations, as we knew that an exciting river raft ride on the Savinja River was awaiting us. The instructor taught us how we are supposed to sit in the boat and handle the oars. ‘It was crazy’, said the students. In the afternoon, we visited the museum and the Brinec farm mill.

On the last day in Camp Menina we organized a Miniature Golf Tournament. The best player of the tournament was Simon. The afternoon continued actively, as we played football and volleyball. The day ended with a campfire and marshmallows.

It was fun! Thank you Camp Menina.

A visit to the Museum by Train

On September 13th, 2018, our students and teachers went on a train ride. At the Črnomelj railway station, they bought the tickets and were eagerly awaiting the train to Metlika. The train ride was especially interesting for younger pupils. As they arrived in Metlika, they walked towards the Bela Krajina Museum and the Slovenian Fire Fighting Museum. In the Bela krajina Museum, the students walked around the museum with the guides and watched a video on the history of Bela Krajina. Some students recognized old objects and pictures found near their homes, which was very interesting to them. The time spent in the museum went very fast, therefore they could only enter the Fire Fighting museum for a short time. There, the students could see firefighting equipment that was used in the past.  The students, who could focus and listen, got an insight of the life in their ancestors’ lives.

Students of Milka Šobar – Nataše at Mix`Abilities in France

Milka Šobar – Nataše primary school is successful in another international project. This time, we attented Erasmus +, Mix`Abilities, for a 10-day exchange to Gailac city in France.

Early this morning, Tuesday, June 20, 2017, students Jaka, Ana, Ajda, Katarina and former student Izidor went with a van to Venice, where we departed from Marco Polo Airport to Toulouse, in the south of France. Our hearts were full of excitement, because for most participants it was the first flight by plane. After a flight in sunny weather over the Mediterranean coast and a soft landing in Toulouse, we sat on the train and rushed towards the city of Gailac. The members of the visiting Solafrika organization drove us to a house that will be our home in the up-coming 10 days.

Katarina Konda