3D Printer

At the elementary school Milka Šobar – Nataša we are trying to keep up  with new learning strategies without limitations, we are establishing an open learning environment for independent learning, planning it responsibly,  looking for any technological environment that would best suit our specific group of students.
Recently, we decided to buy a 3D printer, which offers students additional opportunities for cognitive development, orientation and design skills for the purpose of carrying out their ideas, for entertainment…
The printing of unique, innovative products and learning accessories will help our students to get to know a whole new dimension of classroom creativity, but certainly it will also increase their work motivation and their interest in modeling and design.
In addition to the 3D printer the school also purchased a 3D scanner, which will further enrichen the school work. Using the 3D scanner a geometrical body or bodies can be transferred into a computer program.
Already in the first 14 days we got well acquainted with the 3D printer and 3D scanner and realized they offer many opportunities for students’ development. Thus, we have printed numerous pendants, a piano, toy cars, small plastic parts…
The purchase of the 3D printer and 3D reader enabled Krka Pharmaceuticals, d. d. Novo mesto and Tilia, d. d. Novo mesto, for which we thank them. Both have recognized the technological progress  schools lack to support the development of pupils’ responsibilities  for their own learning.

Game of the year

On Wednesday, 22nd of June 2016, teachers and students played soccer together. In the team teachers played: Ajda, head teacher, Nejc, Robi, Peter and Marko. After the initial whistle, the teachers we quickly in the lead, but the students soon showed what they are made of. Matjaž,  Bogdan, Erik, Fabijan , Robi, David, Gordan, Mihael and Matej have soon evened the score. In the second half, the head teacher joined the student team, put them in the suitable positions and lead them out of the defense. Suddenly they became a tougher opponent, but the teachers managed to keep the lead and won. The whole school was watching the game and cheering for its team.

The School’s Picnic

On Wednesday, the 21st June, strudents, teachers and the school’s staff socialized  for the afternoon in the highly anticipated picnic.

At 5 pm, the students prepared a short cultural program in the school hall, and then we were all invited by the head teacher to the school yard, where the picnic was held in a relaxed atmosphere, playing sports and enjoying music of  the Duo Košmerl – our student Mihael and his father.

Of course, there is no picnic without delicious meat and vegetable grill dishes and various baked goods, prepared by mothers and teachers. Pleasantly tired from football, dancing and socializing, we are full of beautiful impressions as it was time to go home.

Formal Reception For Successful 9th-year Students of Municipalities Črnomelj and Metlika

In this school year the municipalities Črnomelj in Metlika invited the most successful students of our school to a formal reception. In addition to congratulations for their achievements and successes during their schooling, the pupils received either a book gift or a USB flash drive.


The social event at the Mayor of the Municipality of Črnomelj, Ms Mojca Čemas Stjepanović, was held on Friday, 10th of June, hosted  Matjaž Črnič  and Bogdan Hudorovac.

The reception at the Mayor of the Municipality of Metlika, Mr Darko Zevnik, was held on Tuesday, 21st June 2016, and was attended by our pupil Michael Košmerl.

Matjaž Črnič

Talented athlete and football player. During his schooling he attended many competitions and achieved remarkable results.


1st place in the national competition 1000 m run,

2nd place at the national competition in badminton,

2nd place at the national competition in cross run,

3rd place at the national competition in badminton.


Several years attending:

– International sculpture colony,

– Theater Groups,

– Chorus  Show Let’s sing,  dance and play.

Bogdan Hudorovac

In addition to a successful school work distinguished by its participation in various competitions, contests, he is a very successful athlete, who won a lot of the first places in regional and national competitions. He is also a talented artist.


– 2 x 1st place in the national competition in the art category wood,

– 1st place in the national competition  60 m run,

– 2nd place in the national competition in cross run.


Several years attending:

– International sculpture colony,

– Theater Groups,

– Chorus Show Let’s sing, dance and play,

– different sports competitions.


Mihael Košmerl

In addition to a successful school work during his schooling at the elementary school Milka Šobar – Nataša, Mihael distinguishes participation in various competitions, contests and shows. He is a musician, who actively participated in the preparation of cultural events in school and on several occasions on behalf of the school as he performed at public events in Bela Krajina.


– 3rd place in the national skiing competition,

– 3rd place in the national competition in crafts.

Several years attending:

– Theater groups,

– Chorus Show Let’s sing, dance and play.

National Titles in Bela Krajina

On Friday, 3rd of June 2016, Brežice organized the national athletics championship. Bela krajina was represented by eight students. Bogdan Hudorovac became a champion in 60 m run, with time 7.97. Also first place in 1000 m went to Matjaž Črnič. Other results: Erik Kolenac in 300 m run 7th, Mihael Košmerl in long jump 9th, Mateja Hudorovac  high jump 9th place, Mateja Šuklje 16th place, Snežana Hudorovac 15th and Nastja Džurdževič 17th in 300 m run. In relay race we had a bit of bad luck as our best contestant got hurt, still we succeeded to achieve excellent 6th place.