National Titles in Bela Krajina

On Friday, 3rd of June 2016, Brežice organized the national athletics championship. Bela krajina was represented by eight students. Bogdan Hudorovac became a champion in 60 m run, with time 7.97. Also first place in 1000 m went to Matjaž Črnič. Other results: Erik Kolenac in 300 m run 7th, Mihael Košmerl in long jump 9th, Mateja Hudorovac  high jump 9th place, Mateja Šuklje 16th place, Snežana Hudorovac 15th and Nastja Džurdževič 17th in 300 m run. In relay race we had a bit of bad luck as our best contestant got hurt, still we succeeded to achieve excellent 6th place.

The Insurance Company Tilia Enabled Children an Unforgettable Experience

In May and June, the children accompanied by their teachers, visited the Horse Resort Stariha in the vicinity of Črnomelj. Ana Stariha, the riding instructor, acquainted the children with the horses.

Children got a chance to get closer acquainted with a horse by the name Dixie. Ana has showed the children how to clean and pet him. First they used special brushes and with circular movements they cleaned his hair, removing the dust and dirt. Ana has also showed them how they clean the horse’s hooves.

As the horse was tidied and ready they saddled him together, children put on the helmets and protection vests and went ridding.

One by one the children got up on the horse and under Ana’s leadership went riding a few laps. Their faces lid up as they were riding slowly. Later they took Dixie to the barn and put away the equipment. As Dixie was so kind, he was awarded with apples.

The children enjoyed taking care of the horse as much as the riding itself. They returned to the school excited and hopeful to visit Dixie in the future.

A big thanks to the insurance company Tilia for making this remarkable experience happen.

The S-Factor Grand Finale

27th  May 2016

In the festival atmosphere of the international festival Play with me, which has for its 10th anniversary moved to Bela Krajina, an international project Video S-Factor for 2016, whose initiator and organizer is the elementary school Milka Šobar – Nataše, has completed. The project includes performing arts and short videos with the intension to promote the inclusion of young people with special needs. A whole of 10 schools for children with special needs from Slovenia and 6 institutions for persons with special needs abroad, have participated in the project.

The busy morning, with 16 different workshops for children with special needs to socialize, students from elementary schools in Bela krajina, high school students, teachers, retirees and other visitors, enjoyed the final event of the project Video S-Factor 2016. The jury, consisted of Maja Weiss, Jaka Pucihar, Gregor Pečan, Zmago Šmon and Alenka Vrlinič, has, among the three finalists in each category, announced the winners. The best short video in the category of Slovenian videos:

  1. Zrcalce (Mirror) (III. Elementary School Slovenj Gradec)
  2. AROUND THE WORLD (Elementary School Mihajlo Rostohar Krško)
  3.   Nam srce razbija (Our hearts pounding) (II Elementary School Žalec)

In the international category:

  1. Sunce je gore na nebu (The sun is in the sky) (JU Zavod za obrazovanje osoba sa smetnjama u psihičkom i tjelesnom razvoju Tuzla, BiH)
  2. TIGAR (The tiger) (Centat za odgoj I obrazovanje djece i mladeži Karlovac, Croatia)
  3. ODRASTANJE (Growing up) (Šoso “Ivo Lola Ribar”, Kraljevo, Serbia)

For the preparation and execution of the Festival Play with me, and the final event Video S-Factor in 2016 we wish to thank: Cultural Center Semič TIC Semič, Andrej Kunič, Sašo Riznič, Association of Pensioners Semič, Society Belokranjsko gobarsko društvo, Primary School Belokranjskega odreda Semič, Society Sožitje (Harmony) Bela Krajina, volunteers from the club Students of Bela krajina and the youth center BIT Črnomelj, students of secondary school Srednja šola Črnomelj and students of special and rehabilitation pedagogy.

The project was financially supported by: Kolpa Adventures (Tine & amp; Co.), Radenci, company Čaplja d.o.o., Ljubno ob Savinji, the guesthouse Kapušin Krasinec, Restaurant Pezdirc Semič, Winegrowers Association Metlika, Viticulture and Enology Pečarič Martin Čurile, Graphic Services Robert Glazer s.p., Gradac.

To all the participants, volunteers and supporters we are very grateful for all the help to create this beautiful and unique event, which joined people of different generations, nationalities and abilities, and has demolished stereotypes about diversity. izjave-tv- porocila/174407758 se-z- manoq.html

Vlasta Lah


Photos by Jan Kocjan

Primoz Suhodolčan guest at the closing ceremony of the Reading Badge

On Tuesday , 26 April 2016, we had the Reading Badge closing event. He hosted a youth writer Primoz Suhodolčan who has with his playful and funny, but according to him true stories, captivated us.

Our school has a saying Reading knows no boundaries! A very important role in the project have teachers who are reading aloud to the students and encourage them throughout the school year to love books.

Joint reading of books in the school library gives students opportunities to talk about the experience and their understanding of what they heard. Knowing that a positive and respectful attitude towards themselves and the people around them is inspired by stories, is truly a wonderful feeling.

The Reading Project Reading knows no boundaries

In the school year, 2015/2016 Elementary School Milka Šobar – Nataša participates in an international reading project Reading knows no borders, which takes place between the Slovenian and Croatian schools. The goal of the project is to get to know the Slovenian and Croatian youth literary works. In addition to reading, the project also involves some research: exploring the history, culture and sights of the town the children come from.

Our partners are the students of the Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje djece i mladeži from Karlovac who came to us on a two-day event with focus on books and reading. On Friday, 22nd April 2016, we have welcomed them with a traditional Slovenian breakfast. After the meal a  short cultural program followed in which our students carried out a Preseren rap song Where, a short puppet show of a story the Mirror by Grigorja Viteza, a Croatian youth writer.

We also visited the Bela Krajina Museum in Metlika, where we learned more about Bela Krajina and its inhabitants over time. After another short show about how the coat of arms of the city of Metlika got its shape, we then said goodbye untill next year.