Mesečni arhiv: julij 2017

Students of Milka Šobar – Nataše at Mix`Abilities in France

Milka Šobar – Nataše primary school is successful in another international project. This time, we attented Erasmus +, Mix`Abilities, for a 10-day exchange to Gailac city in France.

Early this morning, Tuesday, June 20, 2017, students Jaka, Ana, Ajda, Katarina and former student Izidor went with a van to Venice, where we departed from Marco Polo Airport to Toulouse, in the south of France. Our hearts were full of excitement, because for most participants it was the first flight by plane. After a flight in sunny weather over the Mediterranean coast and a soft landing in Toulouse, we sat on the train and rushed towards the city of Gailac. The members of the visiting Solafrika organization drove us to a house that will be our home in the up-coming 10 days.

Katarina Konda

7th Grade Student Presented the Traditional Slovene Soup

Elementary School Milke Šobar-Nataše has joined the eTwinning Project – a project offering teachers and students a possibility to communicate, cooperate, develop projects, and exchange experience… This year the school has joined an international project for schools with children with special curriculum, named Make Your Soup. Students from 15 European countries took part in the project with the aim to stimulate communication, openness do foreign countries, training motoric abilities and cognitive skills among pears.

The schools representatives, 7th grade students, have tested their abilities in making the Slovene traditional soup, beef soup. With the help of the mentors, Darinka Jerman, Katarina Konda and Dijana Brinac, they looked for the recipe, made their own noodles, cooked the soup and finally ate it to. It is their turn to convince others to try and make it as well.  Our students will also pick a foreign recipe and try to cook something new.


The last day of this school’s year, June 23, 2017, started with a cultural program that was cheerful and summer-coloured. It was an introduction to careless holiday days. Dancers, singers, school musicians and reciter performed and charmed us.

Principal, Matjaž Barič, awarded two best students, Erik Kolenac and Nastja Džurdžević, with special awards for their high achievements and for successful presentation of the school.

Student “held up” at the Police Station Črnomelj

On Wednesday, June 14, 2017, the students participated at the Police Station Črnomelj open door. We gathered in front of the school and heeded towards the station on foot.

We witnesses a demonstration of police in action, chasing a fugitive with a trained police dog. The kind police officers also showed us interrogation rooms, police vehicles, weapons and basic forensic work. The guide dog explained us how the practical training of a police dog is done and how a search action is conducted.

It was a day to remember. We are grateful to the police officers for the invitation and presentations.

Maja Rakar

Read Ahead, There is no Limit for us … The Closing of the Reading Badge 2016/2017 With Majda Koren

On Monday, May 15, 2017, the final event of the reading season of this year’s school year was held at the gym. We were visited by writer Majda Koren. Her convincing presentation attracted young readers’ attention. We learned what the storywriter needs to write his or her work, we listened to stories about Mica’s monster, wrote a postcard to our headmaster, and gave praise to students who participated in the project.

At the beginning of the school year, pupils received reading cards with titles of books that they should read alone, together or with their parents, teachers. During class visits to the school library, together with a teacher, through the school year, pupils could tell stories – for some, the challenge is self-narration, for others using paintings, sometimes the class prepares a performance with puppets … For their hard work they get  a sticker, which is very important for them.

When a mental disorder is so great that the student can not narrate a story, then the literary world is presented to them differently – the book as a medium,  emphasis on the pictorial material , the place on the book shelf … The book develops the competences of autonomy, conversation, respectful attitude … The art word is then based on soundness, experiencing reading, comfort, positive experience …

It seems to me that you must have something in side of you to be drawn into the literary world. Sometimes, however, the scale of reasons and events will not convince anyone that a book could become ones best friend.

Mateja Medvešek Rjavec