A Piece About Our School at the 24th Annual St. Nicholas Charity Concert

On Sunday, 4th December 2016, national television TV SLO filmed The Traditional St. Nicholas’s Charity Concert. It will be broadcasted today, Tuesday, the 6th of December 2016, at 17.45, on TV SLO 2.

At 5:43 you can see the piece about our school, which also received a part of the concerts’ collected funds in the last school year. The piece is also available on: http://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/dobrodelne-prireditve/174440328

Following the concert there is an interview with two head teachers from schools with special program, talking about the cooperation in the international project Video S-Factor 2016, which was organized by our school. Both videos are also shown. The video Zrcalce (Mirror) from Tretja OŠ in Slovenj Gradec, was the winning video last year.