Guests of the President of Slovenia

On Tuesday, 4th April 2017, our school responded to the invitation from the Office of the President of the Republic, who invited us to his premises in order to commend our work put into the making of a CD at France Preseren’s culture day.

At the reception, which was held at the great hall of the Presidential Palace, the president of the country, Borut Pahor, welcomed us. The students prepared and carried out a short cultural program, created under the supervision of Ajda Skrbinšek, Dijana Brinac and Mateja Medvešek Rjavec.

The official part was followed by a relaxed conversation with the President and us enjoying in some ice cream. Together we then took a walk through the Palace seeing the Crystal and the Golden Hall and gifts from all around the world, received by the President. We also saw the flag with the signatures of famous Slovenian athletes.

We finished the day with a walk along the city’s streets enjoying the warm spring weather.