Play for Kids ‘Cepetavček’

It was just an ordinary piece of wood until a girl, Polonca, found it. However, she was not alone. In the car park in front of the castle, children from different schools in the Bela krajina region, joined her. On Friday, 21 September 2018, within the European Mobility Week, the Municipality of Črnomelj organized a series of activities, including the play ‘Cepetavček’, which was performed by the Ku-Kuc Theater. Still, that was not all. The mayor of Črnomelj, Mojca Čemas Stjepanovič, awarded all participating elementary schools at the European Mobility Week, with a small present. Our school, Milka Šobar – Nataša also received one. We are thankful to the Municipality of Črnomelj and the mayor for the gift and a wonderfully organized day.