Read Ahead, There is no Limit for us … The Closing of the Reading Badge 2016/2017 With Majda Koren

On Monday, May 15, 2017, the final event of the reading season of this year’s school year was held at the gym. We were visited by writer Majda Koren. Her convincing presentation attracted young readers’ attention. We learned what the storywriter needs to write his or her work, we listened to stories about Mica’s monster, wrote a postcard to our headmaster, and gave praise to students who participated in the project.

At the beginning of the school year, pupils received reading cards with titles of books that they should read alone, together or with their parents, teachers. During class visits to the school library, together with a teacher, through the school year, pupils could tell stories – for some, the challenge is self-narration, for others using paintings, sometimes the class prepares a performance with puppets … For their hard work they get  a sticker, which is very important for them.

When a mental disorder is so great that the student can not narrate a story, then the literary world is presented to them differently – the book as a medium,  emphasis on the pictorial material , the place on the book shelf … The book develops the competences of autonomy, conversation, respectful attitude … The art word is then based on soundness, experiencing reading, comfort, positive experience …

It seems to me that you must have something in side of you to be drawn into the literary world. Sometimes, however, the scale of reasons and events will not convince anyone that a book could become ones best friend.

Mateja Medvešek Rjavec

The Video S-Factor 2017 Finals in Semič

Students and teachers of Milka Šobar – Nataše Elementary School have celebrated this day. More than 600 participants from all over Slovenia and abroad, have gathered in the Cultural Centre in Semič.

Within the festival “Play with me”, students with disabilities, students of regular primary schools and kindergartens, seniors and volunteers of all generations, socialized in creative and sports workshops. The hall, in which  short videos on the topic of “water” played, offered an escape from the hot sunshine and crowd. The videos were created by students and teachers of primary schools with special curriculum from Slovenia and abroad in the international project Milka Šobar-Nataše Video S- Factor 2017.  This year as much as 13 Slovenian and 6 foreign schools participated with their work.

At the final ceremony, the finalists were announced and awarded with prizes. The winner in the Slovenian category is for the second consecutive year Tretja OŠ Slovenj Gradec with the video “Be different.” The winner in the international category is “Voštarnica” from Zadar and their video “Colors of water”. Among the best videos our “Mill”, shared third place with the Dragotin Kette video “The drop on its way”.

For the organization and execution of the Festival Play with me, and the final event Video S-Factor in 2017 were wish to thank: Association of Pensioners Semič, Marija Kuzma, Archery Club Paradox Črnomelj, Multigenerational Center Marela – House of Fruits Metlika, Cultural Society of Inclusion, Voluntary Fire Brigade Črnomelj, KBS, RIC Črnomelj, Semič TIC, KC Semič, Semič Elementary School, MC BIT Črnomelj and other volunteers from Bela krajina and abroad.

The event was financially and material supported by: Tina & Co. Ltd., the Company for Sport, Tourism and Recreation, GVO, Construction and Maintenance of Telecommunication Networks, Pharmacy Vrščaj, Krka d.d., the Municipality of Semič, KZ Metlika, Electrical Installation Vranič, Cleaning Service Marija Severinski, OMV Črnomelj and Bar Odeon, Figura – Ms Production, Trade and Services, Insurance Representation Težak Marko, Installation and Other Services Peter Videtič, Expres Service Vardič Stipo, Graphic Services Robert Glazer, A-SPRINT d.o.o.

Our sincere thanks and congratulations to all the participants as you have once more demonstrated to have the real S-Factor!

Vlasta Lah, Nina Aupič

Please Vote for the Best Video of the Video S-Factor 2017 Project

For the second consecutive year, our school has been organizing an international project Video S-Factor, joining 13 Slovene and 6 foreign schools and institutions for children with special needs.

We would like you to cooperate and support our project by watching the videos and voting for the best video in both categories, the best Slovene and the best international video.

Voting will take place until noon on Tuesday, 16th May 2017.

Videos in Slovene Category

Videos in International Category

Book Night at the MŠN Elementary School

On Tuesday, 25th April 2017, the school hosted a marathon of events associated with the book, stories and reading.

8th and 9th grade students visited Karlovac, a town in Croatia, where we, with our partner school COODM Karlovac, and the project Branje ne pozna meja/Čitanje ne poznaje granice, brought this international reading project to its end. Throughout the school year the students got to know the works of Slovenian and Croatian authors. We were warmly welcomed and was ask to participated in interactive workshops on Slovenian picture books. Instructive and interesting was the visit of the City Library in Karlovac. We finished the day with a walk along the river Korana and Aquatiki aquarium.

Afternoon activities at school for other students started early in the afternoon. First the students prepared rooms in which they will be sleeping, and then they visited the General Library of Črnomelj and participated in the dinner preparation. In the reading and creative part of the day, we read and talked about Martin Krpan story with visitors, who also took part in three different workshops (creative art, multi-sensory listening and reading room). In the evening students acted out a short story and listened to an interview with a singer of folk music Urško Klobučar, hosted by Ajda Skrbinšek.

On this occasion, 13 students spent the night at the school. Hopefully they dreamt about the wonderful events of the day, after they read a page or two from their favorite book.