Dnevni arhiv: 4. 7. 2016

A visit from Colombia

On Wednesday, 29th June 2016, elementary school Milka Šobar-Nataše got a very special visit. Namely, ethno musical group FS  Zaite from Colombia. They presented traditional Colombian dances and thrilled us with their temperament and passion with which they dance. We enjoyed as they taught us some of their basic dance steps.

The Statehood Day Celebration

On Friday, we prepared a celebration for the Statehood Day, which the country celebrates on the 25th of June. The cultural program,  prepared by the students, was honored by:
– Mr. Slavko Malešič, a representative of the Association of Veterans of the War for Slovenia;
– Mr. Janko Bubaš, President of  Belokrajina Club of Toronto;
– Mr. Joseph Simonič, a representative of the Slovenian Armed Forces
Mr Matjaž Barič, the school’s head teacher, awarded praise and school certificates to the students. He ended his speech by wishing them all beautiful thoughts for the holidays.
As for the birthday girl, our country and its 25th  birthday;  we baked her a cake and sang Happy Birthday.

With thoughts on a long and joyful holiday we headed to the dance floor.

Goodbye to an Exceptional Generation of Students

On Thursday Morning, 14th June, 8 students gave thanks to the teachers for their patience and knowledge they were given during their schooling at Milke Šobar-Nataše. The 9th grade students have traditionally handed the key to the 8th graders.

In the afternoon, junior prom was held at Cerjanec tourist farm with parents, teachers and friends invited. During a very emotional cultural programme, the head teacher Matjaž Barič, presented the children rewards and recognitions for their achievements.  Later we all enjoyed in the sounds of the musician Miha Veselič.

3D Printer

At the elementary school Milka Šobar – Nataša we are trying to keep up  with new learning strategies without limitations, we are establishing an open learning environment for independent learning, planning it responsibly,  looking for any technological environment that would best suit our specific group of students.
Recently, we decided to buy a 3D printer, which offers students additional opportunities for cognitive development, orientation and design skills for the purpose of carrying out their ideas, for entertainment…
The printing of unique, innovative products and learning accessories will help our students to get to know a whole new dimension of classroom creativity, but certainly it will also increase their work motivation and their interest in modeling and design.
In addition to the 3D printer the school also purchased a 3D scanner, which will further enrichen the school work. Using the 3D scanner a geometrical body or bodies can be transferred into a computer program.
Already in the first 14 days we got well acquainted with the 3D printer and 3D scanner and realized they offer many opportunities for students’ development. Thus, we have printed numerous pendants, a piano, toy cars, small plastic parts…
The purchase of the 3D printer and 3D reader enabled Krka Pharmaceuticals, d. d. Novo mesto and Tilia, d. d. Novo mesto, for which we thank them. Both have recognized the technological progress  schools lack to support the development of pupils’ responsibilities  for their own learning.

Game of the year

On Wednesday, 22nd of June 2016, teachers and students played soccer together. In the team teachers played: Ajda, head teacher, Nejc, Robi, Peter and Marko. After the initial whistle, the teachers we quickly in the lead, but the students soon showed what they are made of. Matjaž,  Bogdan, Erik, Fabijan , Robi, David, Gordan, Mihael and Matej have soon evened the score. In the second half, the head teacher joined the student team, put them in the suitable positions and lead them out of the defense. Suddenly they became a tougher opponent, but the teachers managed to keep the lead and won. The whole school was watching the game and cheering for its team.