The Statehood Day Celebration

On Friday, we prepared a celebration for the Statehood Day, which the country celebrates on the 25th of June. The cultural program,  prepared by the students, was honored by:
– Mr. Slavko Malešič, a representative of the Association of Veterans of the War for Slovenia;
– Mr. Janko Bubaš, President of  Belokrajina Club of Toronto;
– Mr. Joseph Simonič, a representative of the Slovenian Armed Forces
Mr Matjaž Barič, the school’s head teacher, awarded praise and school certificates to the students. He ended his speech by wishing them all beautiful thoughts for the holidays.
As for the birthday girl, our country and its 25th  birthday;  we baked her a cake and sang Happy Birthday.

With thoughts on a long and joyful holiday we headed to the dance floor.